Presented by: Blackstone Entrepreneurs Network, Innovate@Carolina, and the Frank
Hawkins Kenan Institute for Private Enterprise
Events will include speakers like the founders of soleRebels, BioMason, Sungevity, Beat Making Lab, Sqord among others, a testament to how entrepreneurship and innovation can change the world and make waves in health, energy, the arts, fashion, biotech, technology, food, water and sanitation, clean air, tobacco control, and other sectors.
Bringing a global leader to North Carolina, UNC will welcome a speaker traveling all the way from Ethiopia. She has been named the 4th woman entrepreneur of the last century by CNN, one of the most creative people in business by Fast Company, and a Counselor for One Young World alongside fellow Counselors Sir Richard Branson, Nobel Peace Prize Winning economist Mohammad Yunus, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, and Media Magnate Arianna Huffington.
Among the line up of events, GEW will feature a pitch party hosted by the Carolina Challenge and an “Entrepreneurship in the Triangle” networking event co-hosted by CED, the Blackstone Entrepreneurs Network, Startup NC, among many partners from the triangle.
There will even be a crowdfunding masterclass led by Indiegogo, livestreamed to Indiegogo’s partner campuses and incubators from across the U.S.
If that wasn’t enough, UNC will also be hosting its first ever Sustainability Innovation Jam, Blackman and Sloop will offer accounting office hours free-of-charge at Launch Chapel Hill and 1 Million Cups will feature 2 startups at RTP!
Last year, more than 1,000 people participated at the week’s events and organizers say that tickets this year are running out fast. All of the events are free and open to the public so get your tickets while you still can!
Entrepreneurs, individuals in the community, students from the triangle, faculty, professionals, alumni, really – anyone is invited to attend and there’s something for everyone! This is an opportunity for the triangle to come together, get inspired, build meaningful connections, and get practical help.
Oh and let’s not forget that Triangle Startup Weekend will be hosted on UNC’s campus this year for the 48hrs leading up to GEW (November 15-17). Creative thinkers will be coming together to turn ideas into reality over the course of a weekend. Currently, UNC-Chapel Hill is ranked as one of GEW USA’s top university partners and 3rd place overall in the nation.
Information & Tickets: | @GEWatUNC | Schedule
For more details on Global Entrepreneurship Week powered by the Kauffman Foundation worldwide:
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