On Wednesday, December 14, CED will showcase the 13 graduates of the Fall 2011 FastTrac® program. FastTrac® is a comprehensive business planning program that addresses the needs of start-up entrepreneurs who are refining their business ideas, writing their business plans and seeking to grow sustainable high-impact companies. CED runs this program to support and sustain the entrepreneurial community of the Triangle and to enable would-be entrepreneurs to take the first step towards preparing their company for growth.
For more information or to apply as a Spring 2012 FastTrac® participant, mentor, or facilitator, please indicate your interest after reviewing this information. We're proud to celebrate the Fall 2011 graduates!
For more information or to apply as a Spring 2012 FastTrac® participant, mentor, or facilitator, please indicate your interest after reviewing this information. We're proud to celebrate the Fall 2011 graduates!
FastTrac Fall 2011 Graduates
Scott Bublitz, Exam Design, Inc.
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Providing examination development software used in high-stakes hiring decisions.
Sir Robert Burbridge, Altometrics
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Aims to change the way performance management happens.
Rachel Burton, Piedmont Biofuels
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Small renewable energy company that produces biodiesel in Central North Carolina.
Britt Carr, Advanced Authoring
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Integrates technology in education, training, presentations, and simulations.
Jinli Chang, Chang
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CRO offering cell culture and cell engineering services.
Robbie Edwards, One Price Taxes
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One price online tax preparation.
Sherard Griffin, Noodleshare
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Crowd sourcing approach to idea collaboration.
Rick King, The Idea Works
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Developing new business matching software to greatly improve and stimulate the business networking environment.
Eric McAfee, GiftBoogle
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Involved in a paradigm shifting Facebook commerce app.
Will and Walt Smith, WaterPlayUSA
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Online site providing connection to water sports.
Adam Steege, FreeHand Endoscopic Devices
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Developing a novel set of articulated hand-held endoscopic surgical instruments.
Earl Yerby, CleanLight Technologies, LLC
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Developing a device that operates on UVC light that disinfects and sanitizes any article that fits in 30 seconds.
Bryan Young, Business Empire Consulting
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Delivering ideas that connect brands and consumers in both rational and emotional ways.